This week’s notable new comics! 5/8/19 release.
Batman and the Outsiders #1; Conan The Barbarian #6; [...]
Batman and the Outsiders #1; Conan The Barbarian #6; [...]
Avengers Edge of Infinity #1; Detective #1001; Elvira Shape [...]
“Cool little statues, at a sweet price, They are awesome!" [...]
Age of X-Man Apocalypse and X-Tracts #2; Avengers No [...]
Action #1009; Daredevil #3; Detective #1000; Dial H For [...]
Age of X-Man X-Tremists #1; Avengers No Road Home [...]
Age of X-Man Nextgen #1; Amazing Spider-Man #15; Avengers [...]
Age of X-Man Marvelous X-Men #1; Asgardians of the [...]
Asgardians of the Galaxy #5; Batman Who Laughs #2; [...]
Action #1006; Batman Beyond #27; Conan The Barbarian #1; [...]