This week’s notable new comics! 11/27/19 release.
Avengers #27; Batman Vs. Ras Al Ghul #3; Crow [...]
Avengers #27; Batman Vs. Ras Al Ghul #3; Crow [...]
2099 Alpha #1; Annihilation Scourge Alpha #1; Batman Giant [...]
“This Croc is Killer!" - Vincent Designed and sculpted by [...]
Amazing Fantasy #15 Facsimile Edition; Batman Giant #1; Battlepug [...]
Batman #251 Facsimile Edition; Contagion #1; DCeased #5; Flash [...]
Avengers Loki Unleashed #1; Batman Superman #2; Captain Marvel [...]
“Crikey! Check out this cool mini statue of Batman channeling [...]
Agents of Atlas #1; Batman Universe #3; Gotham City [...]
Alpha Flight True North #1; Batman #181 Facsimile Edition; [...]
Amazing Spider-Man #28; Batman Superman #1; Doctor Mirage #1; [...]