This week’s notable new comics! 6/27/18 release.
Batman Prelude To The Wedding Harley Quinn Vs. The [...]
Batman Prelude To The Wedding Harley Quinn Vs. The [...]
Amazing Spider-Man #801; Batman #49; Damage #6; Doctor Strange [...]
Batman Prelude to the Wedding Batgirl Vs. The Riddler [...]
Astonishing X-Men #12; Batman Prelude to the Wedding Nightwing [...]
Amazing Spider-Man #800; Aquaman/Jabberjaw Special #1; Batman Prelude to [...]
Amazing Spider-Man #798; Champions #20; Detective #981; Infinity Countdown [...]
Avengers #2; Batman #47; Daredevil #602; Harley Quinn Loves [...]
Batman White Knight #8; Despicable Deadpool #300; Exiles #3; [...]
Avengers #1; DC Nation #0; Harley Quinn Loves Joker [...]
All New Wolverine #34; Detective #979; Exiles #2; Flash [...]