This week’s notable new comics! 8/21/19 release.
Batman #232 Facsimile Edition; Black Mask Year of the [...]
Batman #232 Facsimile Edition; Black Mask Year of the [...]
Age of Conan Valeria #1; Batman Universe #2; Doctor [...]
Absolute Carnage #1; Agents of Atlas #1; Black Cat [...]
Archie Vs. Predator II #1; Batman Curse of the [...]
Batman #75; Deadpool #15; Fair Lady #4; Invader Zim [...]
Amazing Spider-Man #25; Batman Universe #1; Black Cat #2; [...]
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #6; Captain America Invaders Bahama [...]
Avengers #20; Conan the Barbarian #7; Detective Comics #1006; [...]
Aquaman #49; Captain America #11; Deadpool #14; Go Go [...]