19 04, 2017 This week’s notable new comics! 4/19/17 release. Serena2023-01-13T15:31:51-05:00April 19, 2017|Categories: Notable and New Comics|Tags: all star batman, anime, Avengers, batman, broward, Captain America, comic, comic book, comics, DC Comics, DC rebirth, Deathstroke, Doctor Strange, florida, groot, Guardians of the galaxy, Invincible Iron Man, Iron Man, Lauderhill, Manga, marvel, marvel comics, new comic day, Nick Fury, poe dameron, Rilakkuma, Rillakuma, Royals, south florida, spider-man, spiderman, star wars, Starlord, Steve Rogers, Tate, Tate Comic, tate's comics, tates, Toy Store, toys, Venom| All Star Batman # 9; Captain America : Steve [...]
7 10, 2015 Tons of notable new comic titles out this week! amagnetta2023-01-13T15:26:22-05:00October 7, 2015|Categories: Notable and New Comics|Tags: Avengers #0, Batman & Robin Eternal #1, comic, comic book, comic books, comics, Doctor Strange #1, Invincible Iron Man #1, new comic day, new comics, Paper Girls #1, Secret Wars #6, south florida, tate's comics, tates, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #50, The Amazing Spider-Man #1, The Misadventures Of Grumpy Cat #1, What If? Infinity Thanos #1| Our new comic wall is stocked with lots of great [...]