10 07, 2019 This week’s notable new comics! 7/10/19 release. Serena2023-01-13T15:57:11-05:00July 10, 2019|Categories: Notable and New Comics|Tags: Amazing spider-man, anime, batman smells, Black Cat, broward, comic, comic book, comics, Conan, dc, DC Comics, DC Universe, Event Leviathan, Fallen World, Fantastic Four, florida, Infinity Wars Weapon Hex, Invisible Woman, Lauderhill, Manga, marvel, marvel comics, Marvel Universe, new comic day, new comics, Savage Swod of Conan, Secret Warps, south florida, spider-man, spiderman, star wars, Tate, Tate Comic, tate's comics, tates, The Amazing Spiderman, Toy Store, toys, Valiant, Valiant Comics, Venom, Weapon Hex, Wednesday| Amazing Spider-Man #25; Batman Universe #1; Black Cat #2; [...]
12 06, 2019 This week’s notable new comics! 6/12/19 release. Serena2023-01-13T15:56:45-05:00June 12, 2019|Categories: Notable and New Comics|Tags: Amazing spider-man, anime, batman, Batman Who Laughs, broward, comic, comic book, comics, darth vader, dc, DC Comics, DC Universe, Event Leviathan, florida, hulk, IDW, IDW Comics, IDW Publishing, Immortal Hulk, Lauderhill, Major X, Manga, marvel, marvel comics, Marvel Universe, new comic day, newn comics, Punisher, Silver Surfer, Silver Surfer Black, south florida, spider-man, spiderman, Star Trek, Star Trek Q Conflict, star wars, Star Wars Darth Vader Dark Vision, superman, Tate, Tate Comic, tate's comics, tates, The Amazing Spiderman, Toy Store, toys, Wednesday, X-Force, X-Men, XMEN| .
15 05, 2019 This week’s notable new comics! 5/15/19 release. Serena2023-01-13T15:56:27-05:00May 15, 2019|Categories: Notable and New Comics|Tags: anime, batman, Boom, Boom Studios, broward, comic, comic book, comics, Daredevil, dc, DC Comics, DC Universe, Farm Hand, Firefly, florida, Giant-Man, Guardians of the galaxy, hulk, Immortal Hulk, Justice League, Lando Calrissian, Lauderhill, Manga, marvel, marvel comics, new comic day, new comics, south florida, spider-man, spiderman, star wars, Star Wars Age of Rebellion, Star Wars Age of Rebellion Lando Calrissian, Tate, Tate Comic, tate's comics, tates, the amazing spider-man, The Amazing Spiderman, The Immortal Hulk, The War of the Realms, Toy Store, toys, War of Realms, War of Realms Giant-Man, Wednesday| Amazing Spider-Man #21; Batman #71; Daredevil #3; Firefly #6; [...]