Jason, Troy & Liz
What will you spend your $25 on? Stuffs n’ Thangs
How long have you been visiting TATE’S? for hwhile
How old are you? old enough
How do you make a living? make internets
If you could do ANYTHING, how would you make a living? snowboarding
Do you have any pets? Koba, Troy & Liz
Do you have any tattoos? No
What was you favorite toy as a child? — Now? No comment; Optimus Prime action figure (not a doll)
What is your most bizarre childhood memory? moving to Malaysia
What is the one thing that irritates you the most? Vito
What is your favorite smell? hot asphalt
What do you collect? Stuffs n’ Thangs
What are some of your hobbies? collecting stuffs n’ thangs… & board sports
What is your Favorite Comic/Manga? Battle Angel Alita
What is your Favorite Anime/Cartoon? Gundam
What is your Most Favorite Movie? Harold & Maude
What is your Favorite Bumper Sticker? “Let me guess officer, license & registration?”
What is your Favorite T-Shirt? 1987 Rolling Stones & Van Halen concert shirt
What is your Dream Car? RX-78-02
What superpowers do you wish you possessed? the superpower to have any given superpower at any time
If you could banish anyone into the sun, who would it be? Vito… jk he’s already blazed. lolz
Which character on The Simpsons do you identify most with? Bart
Most treasured possession? Unga
Do you have a homepage? www.breadfish.co.uk
What are your favorite websites? Vito told me I couldn’t put them down