
“A great read, science fiction fan or not!” —Tate

On the war-ravaged planet Alpha Nebulae, a fighter pilot named Mega mysteriously escapes certain death when attacked by an enemy patrol. So begins her perilous journey across enemy lines. Along the way, she saves a young doctor, who was a member of a flight crew sent to rescue her. The doctor reveals to Mega that shes of utmost importance to their leaders in connection with the creation of a new weapon of incredible powera weapon that her burgeoning mental abilities will fuel. They will stop at nothing to control herto control the Fourth Power! THE FOURTH POWER is a spectacular and riveting space opera written and illustrated by Juan Gimenez, best known for his work on the legendary sci-fi graphic novel series The Metabarons.

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This week’s notable new comics! 1/25/17 release.
This week’s notable new comics! 2/1/17 release.

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