Greg K

What will you spend your $25 on? KISS memorabilia, most likely

How long have you been visiting TATE’S? nearly 6 years

How old are you? 47

How do you make a living? President of Metals company

If you could do ANYTHING, how would you make a living? musician

Do you have any pets? Blondie, dog

Do you have any tattoos? 1, Paul Stanley teddy bear

What was you favorite toy as a child? — Now? Original Star Wars Han Solo Figure

What is your most bizarre childhood memory? First trip through  Haunted Mansion at Disney World

What is the one thing that irritates you the most? self-centered people

What is your favorite smell? bacon 

What do you collect? KISS memorabilia, comics, 60’s music 

What are some of your hobbies? writing, drawing

What is your Favorite Comic/Manga? D.P. 7

What is your Favorite Anime/Cartoon? Josie & the Pusseycats

What is your Most Favorite Movie? The Shining

What is your Favorite Bumper Sticker? “Watch out for the idiot behind me”

What is your Favorite T-Shirt? any of my classic KISS shirts

What is your Dream Car? 

What superpowers do you wish you possessed? teleportation

If you could banish anyone into the sun, who would it be? 

Which character on The Simpsons do you identify most with? 

Most treasured possession? Vintage Paul Stanley figure from the 70’s

Do you have a homepage? no

What are your favorite websites?